National Database of Community and Renewable Energy Organizations (Map)

Anna Adamsson, Wafa May Elamin, Gabe Epstein, and Kelly O'Connell | Clean Energy States Alliance

The Clean Energy States Alliance has compiled a database of over 400 community-oriented organizations with a focus on or interest in clean energy at the local level, especially for low-income and disadvantaged communities. The database especially emphasizes groups that seek to advance solar energy and environmental justice.

Information about these organizations is available in the map below. Users can navigate through organizations in a state or region by using the state search function or by using the zoom tool for a localized view. Each organization’s listing includes data on its legal status, organizational focus, and relevant activities and services.

Government agencies and renewable energy providers interested in developing equity-minded clean energy projects can use this database to identify potential community partners. Community organizations can use the database to learn about other similar organizations and to connect with like-minded groups.

If you know of organizations that should be added to the database or find information that is not accurate, please contact Matt Ohloff.

This database was developed as part of the Clean Energy States Alliance’s (CESA) Solar with Justice: Connecting States and Communities project. The Solar with Justice project aims to bring together state energy agencies (SEAs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) developing solar for environmental justice communities to create opportunities for dialogue and collaboration.

This database is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Solar Energy Technologies Office Award Number DE-EE0009360. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government.

The information in this map is also available in a searchable database.