Evaluating the Financial Performance of Connecticut’s Low- and Moderate-Income Solar Lease Program

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 @ 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET

In 2015, Connecticut Green Bank, in partnership with the solar and energy efficiency company PosiGen, launched a solar leasing program that targets low- and moderate-income homeowners. In a recent study, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory analyzed the financial performance of the program. Berkeley Lab’s study shows that the program has successfully reached underserved customers and has reasonable repayment rates given the credit characteristics of the participants.

On this Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) webinar, researchers from Berkeley lab discussed their findings about the financial performance of the Connecticut Green Bank/PosiGen solar leasing program.


  • Jeff Deason, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
  • Greg Leventis, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
  • Sean Murphy, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
  • Nate Hausman, Clean Energy States Alliance (moderator)

This webinar was presented by the Clean Energy States Alliance as part of the Scaling Up Solar for Under-Resourced Communities Project, which is funded in part by the US Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office.