Factors Influencing Public Support for RPSs

Thursday, October 12, 2017 @ 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Renewable Energy Policy Design and Framing Influence Public Support in the United States,” a recent article in Nature Energy, examines various factors that influence whether the public supports a state RPS and other renewable energy policies. In part, it reports the results of a survey experiment that assessed how support for a RPS bill would vary based on its impact on electricity rates, jobs,  and pollution, as well as if it had bipartisan elite support. The article also shows that states where most people strongly support renewable energy development are much more likely to have an ambitious RPS than states with weaker public support. In this webinar, Leah Stokes, one of the article’s two authors, discussed her findings and their implications.


  • Leah Stokes, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara

This webinar was presented by CESA for the RPS Collaborative.


Organizer: Clean Energy States Alliance

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