RPS Collaborative Webinar: Tracking Systems and Section 111(d) State Plans

Wednesday, December 10, 2014 @ 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

EPA’s proposed rule 111(d) would require close tracking of energy and emission attributes from power generation, as well as tracking of interstate transfers of physical power and associated environmental attributes. States would need to decide how to relate their State Implementation Plans to existing RPSs and other programs that involve tracking of electricity and emission attributes. States are already engaged in markets where power attributes (primarily RECs, but also zero emission attributes from large hydro and nuclear facilities) are traded across states and regions. To provide background information on these issues, APX Environmental Markets has written a paper on the topic of “Using Tracking Systems with the Implementation of Section 111(d) State Plans.” The paper discusses the key elements of tracking systems, differences among them, various ways in which they could be used in 111(d) compliance, and which compliance options may be most appropriate in which situations. In this webinar, Lars Kvale of APX summarized and discussed the report’s main points.


Organizer: Clean Energy States Alliance

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