Single-Family Home LMI Solar Program – Program Design Guidance: A Solar for All Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund-Compliant Solar Program Design for States

Vero Bourg-Meyer and Allie Garrett | Clean Energy States Alliance

To facilitate the design and launch of LMI solar programs by states and to leverage existing funding opportunities from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the Clean Energy States Alliance has produced this guidance note along with a standard request for proposals (RFP) that can be used by states and other relevant stakeholders to design and launch Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund-compliant LMI programs in their state.

In this model, states support LMI households through public-private partnerships utilizing elevated incentives and third-party ownership. This model applies by default to owner-occupied single-family homes, although the RFP model also provides an option for tenants to participate, together with a homeowner. This model requires that third-party ownership be enabled in the state. It accommodates a large number of policy contexts and is designed to be flexible.


SEE ALSO: Single-Family Home LMI Solar Program Request for Proposals Template: A Solar for All-Compliant Solar Program Design for States


CESA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Mailing List: For state agencies and green bank staff who wish to receive emails from CESA regarding the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), please sign up here.

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Date: July 7, 2023
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