Single-Family Home LMI Solar Program Request for Proposals Template: A Solar for All-Compliant Solar Program Design for States
Vero Bourg-Meyer and Allie Garrett | Clean Energy States Alliance
To facilitate the design and launch of LMI single-family homes program by states and to leverage existing funding opportunities from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the Clean Energy States Alliance produced a template request for proposals (RFP) to select one or more solar developers to deliver a solar program to disadvantaged communities and low-income households. The template RFP is designed to comply with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund requirements as well as work in tandem with the program administration proposed by Treasury for the low-income tax credit bonus program. Among other things, the program design includes “enabling upgrades,” such as efficiency measures and roof repairs, by default. It uses a competitive process to set the level of incentives, and it proposes an investment tax credit (ITC) sharing mechanism to ensure monetary benefits flow to consumers when ITC adders are received by asset owners. It also proposes a flexible approach to customer eligibility using both geographic and income criteria.
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Associated Project(s):
Resource Details:
Date: July 7, 2023
Type: Report
Topic(s): Low- and Moderate-Income Clean Energy, Solar PV