Partnering to Reduce Energy Burden: A Michigan Community Solar and Weatherization Pilot
In an effort to reduce the energy burden on low-income Michiganders, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy collaborated with local community action agencies and utilities to develop three separate community solar pilot programs. This case study illustrates how the program partners developed each pilot, what they learned, and what advice they would give to those developing future programs.
Read more...Investing in Relationships: Strategies State Agencies Can Use to Equitably Partner with Community Representatives
This case study analyzes six programs conducted by the Energy Trust of Oregon that have shown success in building meaningful and impactful relationships with community representatives. These programs can serve as a model for other state agencies seeking to develop relationships with community partners in order to better meet their shared goals.
Read more...Energize Your Impact: How Foundations Can Accelerate Solar for LMI-Serving Community Institutions
This report explores how philanthropic foundations have supported the deployment of solar and solar plus battery storage in low- and moderate-income communities in the United States.
Read more...How Energy Modeling Works: The Uses and Limitations of Energy Modeling for Decarbonization Planning
Energy modeling—using computer software and mathematical equations to simulate the operation and growth of energy systems—can be a powerful tool for state decarbonization planning. But because modeling can be costly and the results can be prone to misinterpretation, models need to be used carefully.
Read more...States Energy Storage Policy: Best Practices for Decarbonization
This report highlights best practices, identifies barriers, and underscores the urgent need to expand state energy storage policymaking to support decarbonization in the US.
Read more...Advancing Equity through 100% Clean Energy: A Review of the Plans of 12 States
This report outlines how different states view the equity implications of climate impacts, and what they are proposing for mitigation solutions, planning processes, and implementation processes. It identifies common themes and best practices, and it presents a selection of relevant case studies and examples.
Read more...Energy Storage Benefit-Cost Analysis: A Framework for State Energy Programs
This report is intended as a guide for state energy agencies preparing to conduct cost-effectiveness evaluation for battery storage. It presents a benefit-cost analysis framework for battery storage and attempts to address many of the uncertainties state energy agencies may encounter.
Read more...Offshore Wind and Equity: State of the States Report
This report provides an overview of how states with offshore wind potential have begun to include and operationalize principles of equity in their offshore wind policies and related economic development programs.
Read more...California’s Solar for Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) Program: Collaboration between Community Organizations and State Energy Agencies
California’s Solar for Multifamily Affordable Housing program is an excellent example of how state energy agencies and community-based organizations can work together to create more impactful and sustainable solar programs that provide the maximum benefit to environmental justice communities.
Read more...2022 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards: Case Studies of Six Exemplary State Programs that Advance Clean Energy Goals, Standards, and Equity
This report presents case studies of the six recipients of the 2022 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards.