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Solar for All

Deploying Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Solar for All funds to communities effectively and efficiently within five years of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s awards to states will require sustained and strategic collaboration across the country. CESA’s Solar for All team actively supports awardees nationwide through a portfolio of activities and resources, coordinated with federal agencies, national labs, and other national nonprofits.
Solar for All is a competitive grants program administered by EPA. It provides awardees, including states, nonprofits, and tribes, with $7 billion to expand solar access to low-income households and disadvantaged communities between 2024 and 2029. Building on over a decade of expertise in LMI solar, including the DOE-funded Scaling Up Solar project, CESA assisted 40+ states in applying to the Solar for All competition
awardees, including states, nonprofits, and tribes, with $7 billion to expand solar access to low-income households and disadvantaged communities between 2024 and 2029. Building on over a decade of expertise in LMI solar, including the DOE-funded Scaling Up Solar project, CESA is a trusted partner for state agencies deploying Solar for All funds. CESA assisted 40+ states in applying to the Solar for All competition.
Since April 2024, CESA expanded its network and serves as the connective tissue among its network of over 50 awardees, regardless of CESA membership, ensuring awardees are well-informed, bringing them together on a weekly basis for discussions, and sharing best practices and resources to support program design and implementation.
CESA convenes Solar for All awardees across the country to exchange on Solar for All and learn from one another, covering wide-ranging topics. These meetings are reserved to Solar for All awardees only and are not open to the public or recorded.
Awardee convenings are an opportunity to exchange with other awardees facing similar challenges, explore solutions together, and share best practices to advance Solar for All statewide and multistate programs. To be made aware of future convenings, Solar for All awardees can join CESA’s awardee-only mailing list. To sign up, email Meghan Monahan. Additional and more targeted working groups will be developed as implementation work gets under way. In addition, some awardees may benefit from joining the National Community Solar Partnership+.
Office hours. CESA Solar for All office hours are held every Wednesday, from 3 to 4:30 pm ET.
- What are CESA office hours? CESA office hours are an open line of communication among Solar for All awardees. Sometimes CESA staff may have answers for you, but often the value of office hours will be talking to other awardees, including states and nonprofits, sharing ideas, working through a problem together, and exchanging information gathered within our respective information silos.
- What do we talk about in these meetings? There is no agenda. All GGRF Solar for All topics are welcome, from large program design strategies to nitty-gritty details of budgets or navigating the federal grants process.
- What does it look like? They vary in size, from 10 to 100 people, depending on grant activities, and every week is different.
- Who can sign up? All Solar For All awardees are welcome to attend. Private sector consultants may not participate.
- How to sign up? Email Meghan indicating your Solar for All affiliation to receive a calendar invitation.
- Do I have to commit to attending all of these? No. Attend one or attend them all. There is no commitment.
- Do I have to be a CESA member to participate? No. But you do have to be a Solar for All awardee.
To stay up to date on Solar for All activities, resources, and news, state agencies and green bank staff can sign up for our mailing list here.
CESA’s activities are driven by states and nonprofit awardees. Let us know what your state agency’s needs are, including your ideas for activities that would be well-suited for action by multiple states, by emailing Hanna Jones and Vero Bourg-Meyer.
Note that CESA is not an advocacy organization and that we do not offer services to other sub-national actors, for-profits, or non-profits that are not affiliated with a Solar for All awardees.
Selected Resources:
CESA’s Scaling Up Solar resource page contains many more resources to support stakeholders in building LMI solar programs, include consumer education, consumer protection, tools, and templates for state programs.