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Webinar & Events - IRA & BIL Implementation
This CESA webinar features free tools developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that can help states with their clean energy grant applications by quantifying the co-benefits of clean energy policies.
The LA100 Equity Strategies project provides community-guided, data-driven strategies for increasing equity in LA’s transition to 100% clean energy. Most of the findings and methodologies are relevant to states with similar goals.
The Summit will provide state and federal officials with practical information related to IRA/BIL funding programs and the challenges that are confronting states. It will be discussion-heavy so that attendees can learn from each other about their plans, programs, and lessons learned.
This CESA webinar featured a fireside chat with energy equity experts to discuss best practices for states to responsibly engage with communities as they develop and implement clean energy programs.
Speakers from NYSERDA and DOE’s Loan Programs Office (LPO) will explain how New York is taking advantage of LPO’s new expanded Title 17 loan authority and how other states can reach similar agreements with LPO and access federal funding for clean energy projects.
CESA State Participants Meeting on Home Efficiency and Electrification Rebates Programs Applications
CESA members and state energy officials will discuss your questions and ideas regarding DOE’s Home Efficiency Rebates and Home Electrification Rebates programs.
The Inflation Reduction Act will dramatically accelerate renewable energy development, and the transmission grid will need substantial upgrades to accommodate the shifting generation portfolio. “Grid Enhancing Technologies,” as they were named by FERC, can unlock flexibility and additional capacity on the existing transmission infrastructure, enabling twice as much renewable generation in some regions.
As part of a new initiative from the US Department of Energy, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and CESA, CESA is co-hosting the first-ever national meeting to focus on how states and the federal government can work cooperatively to advance states’ efforts to decarbonize. The event will take place in Washington, DC.
This webinar will feature a panel discussion with leaders from California, Connecticut, Minnesota, New Mexico, and North Carolina on the status of their states’ efforts to decarbonize.
Energy modeling can be a powerful tool for state decarbonization planning, but it can also be costly and the results can be prone to misinterpretation. This webinar will provide advice on energy modeling and introduce resources useful to states embarking on decarbonization planning.