Webinar & Events - Solar PV

Solar+Storage Fire Safety Training: Single and Multifamily Residential

January 12, 2021

This webinar focuses on solar and battery response safety for single and multifamily residential projects.

The Impact of Policies and Business Models on Income Equity in Rooftop Solar Adoption

December 3, 2020

New research by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory finds evidence that LMI-specific financial incentives, solar leasing, and property-assessed financing have increased the diffusion of solar adoption among LMI households in existing markets and have driven more installations into previously under-served low-income communities.

State Leadership in Low-and-Moderate-Income Solar Energy, Featuring Massachusetts, Michigan and Oregon

July 23, 2020

CESA’s 2020 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards recognized three impressive programs that support low- and moderate-income communities.

Solar for All: The District of Columbia’s Innovative Strategy for Low-to Moderate-Income Solar

May 27, 2020

The District of Columbia’s “Solar for All” program is an initiative with a goal to provide 100,000 low-to-moderate income families, with the benefits of locally generated clean energy.

State Pollinator-Friendly Solar Initiatives

May 5, 2020

Recognizing that solar installations can benefit from pollinator-friendly ground cover, many states have taken action to promote this promising solar PV design and management approach.

Solar with Justice: Recommendations for State Governments

January 29, 2020

This webinar presented the findings and recommendations from a new report that are especially relevant to state policymakers and program managers.

How Solar Knowledge Spreads: Who learns what, from whom, and how?

January 22, 2020

A team of researchers has worked to understand how best practices related to solar installation, permitting, and customer acquisition are transmitted. This webinar presented the findings of this research, including network structures and strategies that promote solar knowledge transfer, organizational capacity building, and innovation.

Solar with Justice: Recommendations for Community Organizations

January 16, 2020

This webinar presented the findings and recommendations from a new report that are especially relevant to community organizations and frontline energy equity leaders.

States’ Strategies for Working with Low-Income Community Groups on Solar

September 25, 2019

Oregon and Rhode Island have been working on a series of community outreach initiatives in order to create accessibility to solar within the low- and -moderate-income communities. These various initiatives provide useful templates for similar initiatives in other parts of the country.

Cimarron District Office: Supporting Firefighters in New Mexico with Solar+Storage

September 17, 2019

This Clean Energy Group webinar highlights a recently installed solar PV and battery storage system (solar+storage) at one of the Energy Conservation and Management Division (ECMD) of New Mexico’s most remote offices, the State Forestry Division Cimarron District Office.