CESA Webinars & Events

Below is the list of our upcoming and most recent webinars. All of our webinars are free to attend, but registration is required. Click on the titles of the upcoming webinars below to read more and register.


Energy Storage for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction

July 30, 2024

States are increasingly adopting ambitious clean energy and climate goals, which will require both renewable generation and energy storage technologies. This webinar will feature two different state approaches to reducing emissions with energy storage.

Department of Energy, Equitable Solar Communities of Practice Community Convening: Resilience, Storage, and Grid Benefits

August 5, 2024

Join CEG for an interactive 2-hour session exploring the best practices, opportunities, and obstacles in advancing resilient power – solar PV paired with battery storage (solar+storage) – in historically marginalized communities.

Community-Led Solar in Boston: Lessons Learned from a Pilot Project

August 13, 2024

In this webinar, guest speakers from Energy Allies and the Boston Community Solar Cooperative (BCSC) will discuss their adaptable model for community-led solar. The BCSC grew out of a grassroots coalition of individuals, businesses and nonprofits organizing for an equitable transition to a clean energy economy in Boston’s Environmental Justice Communities. Energy Allies supported the formation of BCSC as a community-led, community-benefiting organization.

California’s Flexible Demand Appliance Standards for Pool Controls Program – Employing Load Shifting to Lower Peak Demand and Avoid Emissions

August 15, 2024

In 2023, the California Energy Commission (CEC) created the first-in-the-world flexible demand appliance standard for residential swimming pool controls. In this CESA webinar, guest speakers from the CEC will present their award-winning Flexible Demand Appliance Standards for Pool Controls program, featuring CEC Commissioner Andrew McAllister.

Batteries 101, Part 4: Municipal Considerations for Battery Energy Storage in Massachusetts

September 12, 2024

In this webinar, panelists will discuss the municipal planning process for battery storage projects in Massachusetts. Experts will provide an overview of the current landscape for energy storage permitting and siting. They will discuss sizing and zoning considerations, equity and environmental considerations for siting energy storage projects, and best practices for municipalities.


Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Webinar: Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Technology and State Policy

September 28, 2010

On this NCSL-CESA webinar, individuals working on hydrogen & fuel cell commercialization and deployment from four organizations will provide an overview of their work and resources they have created that are helpful to state clean energy officials.

METAP Webinar: Hydrokinetic Testing Needs and Existing US Capabilities

September 9, 2010

This webinar, the fifth in a series for the State/Federal Marine Energy Technology Advancement Project (METAP), presents the results of NREL’s MHK testing needs and capabilities assessment. The managers of a few of the existing US test facilities present on their current and planned MHK testing infrastructure and activities in Hawaii, New England and the Northwest. Presenters also discuss opportunities for collaboration and information sharing across test facilities.

METAP Webinar: Ecological Effects of Marine Hydrokinetic Technology Projects

August 19, 2010

This webinar, the fourth in a series for the State/Federal Marine Energy Technology Advancement Project (METAP), will review the ecological effects of Marine Hydrokinetic (MHK) projects and the regulatory response. To date, MHK systems and their impacts have not been widely tested. As more MHK projects are going through state and federal licensing applications, understanding of potential environmental impacts to aquatic organisms and marine ecosystems is increasing. This webinar will focus on the MHK environmental permitting process in the US, the environmental challenges posed by MHK projects, risk evaluation and potential mitigation strategies.

METAP Webinar: Marine Energy Regulatory Framework: Challenges & Solutions

July 15, 2010

This webinar, the third in a series for the State/Federal Marine Energy Technology Advancement Project (METAP), reviews the regulatory framework surrounding marine energy projects.

METAP Webinar: Marine Technology Industry Status Briefing

June 16, 2010

This webinar, the second in a series for CESA’s Marine Energy Technology Advancement Project (METAP), will provide an overview of the industry status of marine energy technologies. Speakers will discuss the following topics: What affects the cost and performance of marine renewables? How can future costs be reduced to become cost competitive? What are the obstacles to getting projects in the water? What is role of states in advancing the technology?

States Advancing Wind Webinar: Effective Public Financing Tools to Support Distributed Wind Development

June 1, 2010

This webinar explored the variety of useful and innovative financing tools that states can use to support greater deployment of distributed wind projects, as well as tools states can use to complement existing federal financing mechanisms such as the Investment Tax Credit and Treasury Cash Grant. This webinar is the second in a series of state wind policy briefings organized by Clean Energy States Alliance’s States Advancing Wind project. It is made possible by the Department of Energy’s Wind Powering America State Outreach Project.

Financing Renewable Energy Projects with Tax-Exempt and Taxable Bonds

May 28, 2010

In this webinar, John M. May (Stern Brothers & Co.) will discuss specific case studies for the use of bond debt in the biofuels, biomass, wind, solar, cogen/CHP and geothermal and hydro segments.

METAP Webinar: Marine Technology Overview

May 13, 2010

This webinar launched a new DOE/NREL/States Marine Energy Technology Advancement Partnership and introduced participants to the projects purpose and activities. The webinar also provided an overview of marine energy technologies and discussed the U.S. DOE marine energy program and roadmap.

The Role of State Clean Energy Funds as Equity Investors in Clean Tech

April 23, 2010

This presentation is one in a series on financing tools and examining the role of state clean energy funds as equity investors in emerging clean energy companies.

States Advancing Wind Webinar: State Policies and Programs to Advance Distributed Wind Projects

April 8, 2010

This webinar explores how states can support behind-the-meter, distributed generation wind projects with smart financial and technical assistance. It is the first in a series of state wind policy briefings organized by Clean Energy States Alliance’s States Advancing Wind project.